Public information

Oradea International Airport
Romania's Western Gate

Aeroportul Internațional Oradea

„Everything has changed. The flying changed.
The airports have changed.“

- Oradea International Airport -

Geographical position

Gateway connection with Western and central European world, Oradea is one of the most prosperous cities in the country and one of the largest economic centers of interest for investors.

Located about 10 km from the Hungarian border, Oradea occupies a privileged central - European position, the city being at a relative equal distance to the capitals of the region: Bucharest (585 km), Vienna (551 km), Budapest (306 km) Prague (837 km), Belgrade (324 km), Bratislava (459 km).

Accessible at only 6 km from Oradea, near the national road DN79, the airport serves Bihor County with a population of 620,000 inhabitants.

Achievements and Perspectives

In December 2011 it ended the first stage of works to extend and modernize the passenger terminal of the Airport Oradea, in which he was brought up to international standards, both aesthetically and functionally. Read more

ACI Europe

Oradea Airport

Address:Street Calea Aradului no. 80
Phone: +40 259 416 082 | +40 259 413 951
Email: airport @ aeroportoradea . ro
     contact @ aeroportoradea . ro

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