Voluntary reporting

Voluntary reporting is a process of providing information, voluntarily, regarding a civil aviation event, process that can be carried out by any person (employee of an aeronautical agent, passenger etc.), who believes that the surprised event may affect or affects the safety of civil aviation.

Safety is the state in which the risk of harm to persons or property damage is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuous process of hazard identification and risk management.

If you have noticed an event on Oradea Airport, which in your view could have caused an injury or injured a person or damaged a movable or immovable object, please describe the event in the box next to it.

The information provided by you will not have punitive effects on the persons involved in the reported event.

Voluntary reporting form

ACI Europe

Oradea Airport

Address:Street Calea Aradului no. 80
Phone: +40 259 416 082 | +40 259 413 951
Email: airport @ aeroportoradea . ro
     contact @ aeroportoradea . ro

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