About us

„Everything has changed. The flying changed. The airports have changed.“
- Oradea International Airport -
Oradea International Airport
Romania's Western Gate
Geographical position
Gateway connection with Western and central European world, Oradea is one of the most prosperous cities in the country and one of the largest economic centers of interest for investors.
Located about 10 km from the Hungarian border, Oradea occupies a privileged central - European position, the city being at a relative equal distance to the capitals of the region: Bucharest (585 km), Vienna (551 km), Budapest (306 km) Prague (837 km), Belgrade (324 km), Bratislava (459 km).
Accessible at only 6 km from Oradea, near the national road DN79, the airport serves Bihor County with a population of 620,000 inhabitants.
Achievements and Perspectives
In December 2011 it ended the first stage of works to extend and modernize the passenger terminal of the Airport Oradea, in which he was brought up to international standards, both aesthetically and functionally.
The terminal has been equipped with new furniture; were arranged a café with separate areas for smokers and nonsmokers, a space "mother and child", compartments and booths for passport control on all passenger flows, separate for EU citizens and non-EU, separate customs checkpoint for passengers who have declared goods subject to control and crossing for those who have not goods, luggage bands spaces, both for departure and arrivals. For passengers using the terminal only for a stopover on the first floor of the terminal there is a transit room with spaces and facilities (used as a waiting room where checked passengers expects boarding), bar and access to the floor for passengers transit or transfer will be made by means of escalators.
The terminal also benefits from a travel and ticketing agency, an rent-a-car point, two boarding gates, toilet for disabled people, a stream of departures separately for VIPs, diplomats, aircraft crews and persons with reduced mobility, an entertainment lounge for VIPs and another for officials, compartments for body control and one for special luggage checking.
During 2012 were employed Upgrading works at the passengers terminal (especially outside works), namely the execution of outside canopies and complex spaces processing of hold baggage on the stream of arrivals, building a medical office (insulator) and a bathroom in the restricted area of the terminal, plumbing for water and sanitation, electricity, heating, plumbing, etc. In addition, have been contracted Current repair works on buildings or rehabilitation of offices in the administrative building, technical block and industrial building.
In July 2012 held Oradea Airport evaluation for certification as airport opened to international traffic, according to HG 791/2009. An interministerial commission has verified fulfillment of conditions provided by law, so was checked that the airport ensure facilities for domestic and international flights (parking spaces, rooms intended "mother and child", assistance and facilities for disabled people, check-in, etc.), fulfillment of conditions set for passenger flows. Consequently, based on the report nr.23907 of 20.08.2012, drawn up by the evaluation committee, the Ministry of Transport issued the order nr.1322 of 20.08.2012, which certifies Oradea Airport as airport opened for international traffic.

A new beginning:
Oradea airport modernization
On 07.02.2014, the Ministry of Transport, acting as Managing Authority for Sectoral Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013, legally represented by Ms. Ramona Nicole Manescu, as Minister, and R.A. Oradea Airport, as Beneficiary, legally represented by Mr. Gheorghe PASC, as General Director General, signed the financing contract for the project "Expansion and modernization of R.A. Oradea Airport airport surfaces". At contract signing was also attended Mr. Cornel Popa, President of Bihor County Council.
Expansion and modernization of Oradea Airport surfaces:
- extending the runway by 300 m and full restoration of old landing runway so that the new runway has a length of 2100 m and a width of 45 m;
- achieving two runways, ALFA and BRAVO;
- making a landing-boarding platform, which can provide a number of 6 stationing aircraft assigned to the code letter "C"
- ensuring a classification of the road system to a number PCN 55 R/D/W/T and ensuring aerodrome classification in the category having digit code "3" and air traffic can be serviced aircraft with the code letter "C" and occasionally by special procedure, by aircraft with the code "D" (aircraft reference Boeing 737 and Airbus 320);
- upgrading lighting system so that it can be classified as operating category II, according to ICAO and RACR standards;
- achieving a new power plant;
- achieving the sanitation system for the designed surfaces.